Monday, 18 February 2008

The Inspiring words of "Stone Play"

The flat was generously given a copy of Stone Country's "Stone Play" and, as I was heading to Dumby solo once again, I decided to read it in the train.

I wasn't sure what I'd think of it... I think John said once that it was "more waffle" but I really liked it. over the past year I think bouldering has become my main focus in climbing so its interesting to read a book like this and see written down things that I had picked up on but not had the wisdom or vocabuary to write like that. So... pretty cool.

Inspired by such creative writing and really nice pictures I joined Michael on Silverback. 7C's are finally becoming more straight forward but I'd been trying this problem for ages and a definate barrier to overcome. To be honest, when I did it, it felt kinda easy and left me wondering what I'd been doing wrong... Pretty good to get it - chuffed.

Then I saw the 1990 trav was well chalked up so went for the flash but fell off. So spent couple of tries getting the moves and got through the hard climbing first go after that... but I didn't know where to finish so shouted down to danny who had his guide at the Sea Boulder and he said that it finished up 2HB, a problem which I hadn't done since my first day at D-bart (to keep in the nu skool hip lingo) but luckily topped it in belly flop stylee.

Anyway, another good day but this blog... I duno if I can be arsed anymore. It's not as fun really... But achh... I don't seem to care much for it...


JS Watson said...

keep up your blog!! I read it lots and it's a great way of just documenting what you've done in case you forget (and you will!)... honestly, you'll appreciate it more a few years down the line! Post a few pics as well, or do some waffle of your own... it's all good


Freudy said...

Keep Blogging Mikey!!! I check it every day dude, its the only thing that keeps me going in life.. without it i'd probably throw myself off the kessock bridge or sumtin' :D

no, but seriously its good to be kept updated with what all you strong loons are getting up to and the pics are ace too even if it does sometimes seem that im paying hard earned tax dollars to put you through an Msc in bouldering (hons) ;-)

oh yeah.. and clear some space on ur floor.. andy and a mixture of rich/nick/myself are thinking of a ratho/GCC double combo this weekend and are gonna crash with you. Dunno what i'm doing in such esteemed company tho, maybe providing comedy relief, carrying the bags or if im a cynic then im there purely for financial petrol concerns!!

Anyway i've waffled on a bit but basicly KEEP THE BLOG!

Nuff big respek in ur neighbourhood.

The Freud.

Anonymous said...

Yeah mike, keep the blog going. Even if you only update it when you're particularly inspired. It'll be good to follow you and the other ticking dumby over the next few years :-)


Anonymous said...

Keep up the blog Mike, love it and others like it.

Neil M