Thursday, 12 April 2007

Meeting People


Ahhh im tired, but can't let my fans down by not filling them in on my latest climbing adventure due to that!

After three weeks in Inverness it back to the old routine of walking to Partic train station buying a ticket to Dumbarton East and through the bog between Strathclyde Homes Stadium and the boulders. But today was different. There was on bog. What was once thought impossible has happened - the weather was good at dumbarton!! YES!
And its long overdue. The increasing in blue skies brought a total of around 6 climbers and 7 Neds to the rock. Neds are funny. They were impressed with my daring climbing on the consolidated traverse (never more than 1m off the ground). It was good to meet them, and these days were more civilised than the ones at the train station on the way back:
'Will ya winch her??'
'you what?'
'Geit Aff we-er!'
'No thanks'
You don't get that at Goat Crag.
Back to climbing. I adheared to the great Dumby tradition of not actually topping out on anything. I tried totallity, consolidated and Silverback for a bit though was too warm for consolidated and totallity is really quite hard. I need beta for Silverback I think...
Danny got his project Toto, Woo!
This weekend I have the choice of meeting most of my girlfriends family or going to Etive Slabs... its a hard decision - which would make a better blog entry?
Anyway I'm going to my bed before a certain someone starts talking to me on msn.


Anonymous said...

u r such a geek. well, a climbing geek. not realy sure if that makes it better or worse. gona go with better as this looks like a site for fellow climbing people.
surprisingly entertaining... well some of it. weegies are class! gotta love the ned talk.

p.s retard

Dave MacLeod said...

No silverback excuses now soldier! I'll want answers if its not ticked by next week

Mike said...

Ruth, this is a climber's blog for climbing people. No personal attacks please! Your lucky I didnt delete that comment... honestly, me a geek?

Dave, alas the wonder of Murano Street Internet is preventing me from seeing the video.

Error Code: 500 Internal Server Error. The request was rejected by the HTTP filter. Contact your ISA Server administrator. (12217)


What's this about you moving? Can't say I'm too impressed - you'll have to run me through the moves of every font 7b and onwards at dumby before you leave! Seriously though, good luck with the move and see ya out there!


Anonymous said...

little known fact : mike did not shower once in the three weeks that he visited inverness. In his defence, he said "What smell!?". He was, however, a very good cook during his stay. Nice one Mike!