Saturday, 12 March 2011

Muons, Dynos, Snow and a Plan

Testament to the waned interest in climbing blogs in Scotland (or perhaps my blog in particular), not one person wanted the guidebooks offered in a previous blog post. That's ok, luckily I have contacts outside the so-called "blogosphere", meaning I could relieve my slightly suspect bookshelves (let's just say they wouldn't have survived the past few days in Japan) of their presence by leaving them at the door of a climbing particle physist (yes, I was just as surprised at their existence as they were at the existence of the muon - the "Who ordered that?" particle) rather like an unwanted child in a wicker basket.

Anyway, here's a video of the dyno I blogged about last time.

Even as I wrote that last blog, optimistically calling an end to hiberation, I suspected winter wasn't through. Today, my hunch has been proved right, with disgusting wet slugs of sleet being blown into people faces as they walk by my window. I braved the weather briefly to pick up some dry cleaning, and I'm reasonably sure it's time to begin hibernating once again. Lamentably, I never actually wrote that winter would be back so can't technically say I told you so.

One final thing, stirring optimism once again (but this time I'm including the suspicion that it'll rain the whole time), is that I've booked a weeks trip to Huesca, Spain to visit Danny over Easter. Should be excellent; I really hope it is!

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