Monday, 17 November 2008

Stuff at Dumby

That's a rubbish title, I'm sorry.

Can't be bothered with projects once again. This is probably because I'm too weak and also because I need variation in my climbing and Dumby all the time just sucks. But recently I've had a trip to the peak and Brin which allowed my feelings for Dumby to breathe a bit.

Back to just arsing around and stuff. This has led me to do some wacky shit, I've got good beta on Deo Gratis left handed (that's the slab right of Imposter's arete by the way), went up and down slap happy for the first time, campusing mugsy is coming along nicely (one foothold allowed) and my bare foot tick list would make you wet your pants. You might think my motiviation for this kind of stuff will wear off (again) but it's actually not just a piss about. At times I'm motivated for grades , but having my own things that I like doing makes my relationship with climbing more personal and involved than if I was just to slug it out with the rest of them on saboutage, and that's what I'm into.

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