Still in the thick of exams, Optics this morning - it's amazing how much you think you've learnt about lasers in a day only to find that you don't really know it at all, goddamit!
Taken a couple of afternoons off to head to dumby.
Looking out the window on the train I reckoned you get a decent cross sectional impression of Glasgow. High rise flats juxtaposed with tenements, the big cranes on the clyde of the past, the Scotston sports thing getting done up for 2014, loads of trampolines in gardens and a saltire on the roof of a garden shed. On the way back, I alighted a station early. I felt like a prat asking for directions with a massive bouldering pad... It's easy to think you're getting on fine when in fact you're living in a bubble or a looking through a window. Even though I've lived here for 3 years I don't really know much about the place (eg apparently theres a park the size of the west end somewhere) and I feel this is a poor effort. Next year is my last at uni so will try to engage more with this place but i'm not sure what that would actually involve doing.
Anyway, at Dumby I found that I was not as weak as I had feared! I managed a move on sabotage which got me quite excited. Also tried the B.N.I. lip traverse which I'm sure was done years ago but I've never heard anyone talk about it which makes me feel like a true pioneer and visonary. None of the holds are independent but there's some new moves to work out... The first move is the crux involving a dynamic throw to the BNI direct crimp which is just made for catching! The rest is ok except the top out... I worried I'm turning into a lowballer, not comfortable high up anymore...
Yes, I've put some procrastinating to good use and put together a clip of last years trip to Sagres.
Now, Quantum Mechanics... er...