Saturday, 17 November 2007


Recently things have been going backwards.

I've gone off blog posts it seems, probably for a variety of reasons. Mostly I've just been lazy, but also I've got climber's around me you know all the time. last year and over the summer in murano street and Inverness, if I wanted to express a climbing feeling... but here I have climbing buds in my flat, which takes something away from sitting down and hitting keys... What's the point? Well just now I'm all alone for a wee while in the flat so I can let my mind wonder for a bit.

Yesterday was maybe a recoil of a lot of things that have been building up for a while. I bought a new pair of climbing shoes. This has been on the cards for a long time since all my shoes have holes in them. Expensive things. I switched to 5.10s from scarpas so thats pretty cool. The sales assistant in tiso told me if I bought them I'd be up climbing V6 by the end of the week. Thats what sold them.

Also, we went out... This is strickly against everything... bad for the health, bad for the soul, bad for my reputation as an old man. Yup, the climber's flat did some socail stuff for once. We had a go at being students. If you resist something so much for so long, it can sneak up on you and attack when your guard is down. Next thing we knew we were on vodkas, wearing shirts and... dancing.

Climbing. Well since I bought a month pass ive been trying to head to the wall a lot. Not soo good for my uni course, seeing as its class test time. I dont really like the wall but I did manage to campus 1-3-5-7-9 for the first time yesterday... I like Dumbarton but have been feeling antipsyche (the force which makes you fall off) and havn't climbed anything much. So I've spent a lot of time going back and doing classics, highball slabs (though BNI is still too 'out there'), one handed stuff and traversing the sea boulder in my trainers.

So my feeling at the moment is if you stick at something through gritted teeth which isn't quite in your nature then your nature will backlash and you'll some get "negetive" consquences.
